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Welcome to
HPU GreenRide!

The best carpool ever!

Welcome to HPU GreenRide, your way to connect with other commuters at Hawai‘i Pacific University. You can use HPU GreenRide to find other students and employees coming to campus who live near you and have similar schedules.

Promoting sustainability is a priority of Hawai‘i Pacific University. In order to support and encourage our students and employees to carpool, we’re pleased to launch a new dedicated ridesharing solution designed to help you find commuting partners who work or study at Hawai`i Pacific University. HPU GreenRide is a ridesharing system for use only by Hawai‘i Pacific University employees and students. Register today using your HPU e-mail account to find a carpool partner or a walking, biking or transit buddy.

Fully secure, it will help you find ridesharing partners who work or study at HPU. Register today to give it a try. There are no obligations, and you can remove yourself from searches whenever you’re not actively looking for ridesharing partners.